Camper Information and Payment Options

Payment Options:  You have the option of paying "in full"  either by credit card (3.5% fee) or check.         

If your church is paying a portion of the camper fee take a copy of your registration confirmation to the church and  pay the church for your portion of the fee.  The church is asked to make one check out to CCIW for payment of registration. 

Billing information is required for all payment methods.  Credit card information will not be collected unless that is your method of payment.  Checks should be made out to CCIW and sent to CCIW, 401 W Jefferson St., Bloomington, Il 61701-3826.

Registration is not confirmed until payment is received.

Parent/Guardian(s) with Legal Custody

Please provide the information below, including an emergency phone number and email address for the primary parent/guardian.

Other Emergency Contact

Insurance Information

Insurance Card:  The front and back of the card are required.  You have the option to upload your insurance card OR  fill in the information in the text box.

Camper Health Information

We recognize the diversity and variety in all of God’s people regarding their emotional, spiritual, physical, mental and nutritional health. The following questions are meant to help our staff be better prepared to ensure your camper’s needs are met as best as possible. It is our goal to provide the safest experience possible for all of our guests.

Please indicate any food allergies or dietary restrictions that camp staff should be aware of. If your camper experiences any food-related behavioral concerns that you think would be helpful for our staff to know, please let us know here as well. Enter “NA” if not applicable.

Please let us know of any social or mental health concerns that would be helpful for camp staff to know. Enter “NA” if not applicable.

Please let us know of any medical concerns that would be helpful for camp staff to know. Enter “NA” if not applicable.

 Please let us know of any prescriptions or medications, including over the counter, that your camper takes. All prescriptions and medications must be in original containers, including directions, dosage, and other necessary information. Prescriptions and medications must be handed over to camp staff during check-in and will be administered by an approved camp staff according to indicated prescriptions or instructions. Enter “NA” if not applicable.

Please let us know of anything that would be helpful for our staff to know. Enter “NA” if not applicable.



  • I, parent/guardian of the youth named in this registration form, grant permission for them to attend this retreat and do hereby release the above regional entities and ministries from liability involving child/ren named in this registration form when participating in this retreat.
  • I grant the the above regional entities and ministries, the right, if necessary, to provide for emergency medical treatment of my child should such a need arise. Likewise, I release sponsors and regional representatives from liability in the event of any accident related to this event and hold them harmless from damages.


  •  I, parent/guardian of the youth camper(s) in this registration form, grant permission and do hereby release  the above regional entities and ministries from liability involving child/ren named in this registration form when participating and accompanying  the above regional entities and/or ministries on activities such as transportation to and from retreat locations. I release  the above regional entities and ministries, staff, and Regional Representatives from liability in the event of any accident related to this event and hold them harmless from damages.


  • The above regional entities and ministries and their staff may give my child/ren Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and or a topical solution to treat them for minor aches, pains, and ailments as they become evident. The staff or a medical professional on call will administer all medications in accordance with the manufacturer's directions.


  • I, parent/guardian of child/ren named in this registration form hereby authorize the above regional entities and ministries and their staff to seek and authorize emergency medical treatment for youth campers named in the registration form. This includes anesthetic, medical treatment, and the performance of whatever operations or removal of tissue decided to be necessary by the attending physician(s).


  • Camper: I agree to participate fully in the retreat program, to cooperate with the camp leaders, and to attend the entire event. I will not bring firearms, knives, food, fireworks, electronic games, alcohol, drugs (except those listed under health information), or any other items that may be illegal or with the intent to cause danger to myself, those around me, or our surroundings. I will adhere to regulations regarding usage of cellphones and other electronic devices as implemented by staff. Furthermore, I understand that the above regional entities and ministries stand against bullying in every form and, therefore, I will treat others with respect and not engage or tolerate bullying. I understand that if I do not abide by this pledge, I may be sent home.
  • Parent/Guardian: I have discussed with my child/ren what is and what is not appropriate to bring to the retreat as well as discussed with them that bullying is inappropriate and will not be tolerated. I fully understand that should my child/ren commit a serious infraction of retreat guidelines, I will arrange to remove my child from the retreat at the request of the retreat or regional staff.


  • The above regional entities and ministries, and their staff or designated agents may photograph or record activities, including retreat attendees, during the retreat program.

     I consent to the use of any video, images, photographs, audio recordings, or any other visual or audio reproduction that may be taken of my child/ren during events at the retreat to be used, distributed, or shown for promotional or other purposes.


Checking the consent boxes above represents your digital signature and authorization.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software